Arusha Gallery: FOR THE ROSES, Residency and Exhibition April 29 - May 28 2023, The Old Silk Barn, Bruton, England

RESTING RACERS (ROSES) 2023, acrylic and flashe on panel 16x20 in.

BABY BLUE 2023, acrylic and flashe on panel 16x20 in.

RESTING RACERS 2023, acrylic and flashe on panel 16x20 in.

RACER (pink) 2023, acrylic and flashe on panel 16x20 in.

Resting Racer, (Pink) 16x20 inches, watercolor and pencil on paper 2023

WINNER 2023, flashe on paper 16x20 in.

Roses Racer, (Canary)16x20 inches, watercolor and pencil on paper 2023

RESTING RACER (SMOKER) 2023, acrylic and flashe on panel 16x20 in.

Roses Racer, 16x20 inches, watercolor and pencil on paper 2023

Baby Blue and Resting Landscape (Afternoon), both 16x20 inches, acrylic and flashe on panel, 2023

RESTING RACER (red stripe) 2023, acrylic and flashe on panel 16x20 in.